contact us
contact us before and after buying products
Send us your comments and suggestions via email
working hours
Saturday to Thursday 9:00 to 17:00
Friday: Closed
Tehran address: 3rd floor, Unit 10, Almas Building, 6th Alley, South Jannat Abad, Tehran
Kurdistan Address: Saqqez, Azadi Square, Zagros Building
You can use four methods to contact us:
Landline: +9821-46104384
WhatsApp: +989300178203
In person: Tehran and Kurdistan
Our experts answer your questions every day in the gospel distribution industry. We welcome the opinions of our dear customers to get the satisfaction of each and every one of you. Also, with your suggestions, dear ones, let us conquer the high peaks of the global food products markets and be an honor for the name of Iran.
Mojdeh-Food invites all respectable bankers, sellers, distributors, sales representatives, importers and exporters to provide new ways of cooperation with us by sharing their experiences and opinions.
Undoubtedly, all of you dear ones have experiences in various fields such as distribution method, distribution sources, supply chain, wholesale distribution of rice and food products. So stay in touch with us so that we can provide better services for you every day.
Our pride is that customer satisfaction has been, is and will be our main goal. The priority of Sanat Mojdeh distribution Company is to make customers feel better, especially loyal customers who have been with us for years.